
Priroda i društvo, galerija Grafički kolektiv, Beograd, 2009
Priroda i društvo, galerija Grafički kolektiv, Beograd, 2009


by Aleksandrija Ajduković

(text in catalog "Nature and Culture", 2009 ,proofread by M.M.)


Šejma Prodanović looks at things from every angle and when she does that, returns again to check once more but in other direction. Her parallactic1 thinking and advancing in (searching) truth, finds its actualization in millions of cutout animals, insects, bushes, taxidermised animals and other things she finds on different places, her friends give her or produces herself at home or cuts from Monty Python’s show to transfer in drawing or painting.


Sometimes, to understand one’s artistic work you ought to know author’s personality as well. It seams that this is the case with Šejma also. If you meet her on the street she will tell you all the things she found that day on the internet, all the texts she read, what famous people she met , what is her opinion on left views of artists today, and all that with a humor that is not obvious on a first look, neither on a second look.


Eh, yes, as Šejma’s parallactic view goes scanning, it doesn’t waste time, it jumps from one point to the other very quickly.


Parallax is well known to the photographers. Here is a simple illustration for this sensation, this is like if you are shooting from a rifle that “throws“ little to the left, so in advance you shift gunpoint a bit to the right.


Šejma invites you to miss!



  1 Kojin Karatani in the book Transcritique, on Kant and Marx speaks about parallactic view. He notices Kant’s point to see things neither from one own viewpoint, nor from the viewpoint of others, but to face the reality that is exposed through parallax. Parallax, from Greek parallaxis; meaning alternation, the mutual inclination of two lines forming an angle; (Astron.) apparent difference in position of a body (as the sun, or a star) as seen from some point on the earth's surface, and as seen from some other conventional point, as the earth's center or the sun. The apparent displacement of an object caused by a change in the position from which it is viewed. (Slavoj Žižek, "Interrogating the Real")



model of exhibition installation, 2012
model of exhibition installation, 2012

Text of art historian Vladimir Bjeličić about exhibition Digest:


Šejma Fere, Dazibau, triptih, 2023
Šejma Fere, Dazibau, triptih, 2023


(in english below) tekst za katalog 59.OS o radu Šejme Fere, photos here


 Ako stvarnost posmatramo kao poligon koji je napravljen po meri zabavljačke i vojne industrije, medijski prostor rezervisan za kulturu namerno se daje neinventivnim ljudima koji tapkaju u mestu i dekorišu nekrofilnu sadašnjost. Oni se nikom ne obraćaju, ne znače ništa i nemaju kritički odnos prema suštinskim problemima. To rasteruje i ponižava ljude, i na ovom poligonu je izgubljen smisao. U takvom rasporedu stvarnosti oportunistička logika radi mehanički, kao na traci i u stalnoj je potrazi za novim izvorima prestiža i šoka. Ovakva zabava, koja je deo kulturuloškog stanja namenjena je malograđanskoj publici i mediokritetima iz branše, zaduženim za teoretsko pokriće i zamagljivanje ekonomskih interesa i skoro je bez ikakvog ljudskog i kritičkog sadržaja.

 Rad POLIGON Šejme Fere je angažovan i podrazumeva radikalnu subjektivnost. To znači biti ljudsko biće koje nešto oseća i ne pripada kapitalističkoj stvarnosti usamljenog i uplašenog čoveka. Kroz lični stav, demistifikuje potrošački svet spektakla kroz odbačene predmete i uspomene, i daje mogućnost za obnovu komunikacije. Razvija svoju instalaciju kroz priče o našem fragmentiranom trajanju i znanju o tragovima savremenog društva.

 Svojim umetničkim integritetom Šejma Fere pokazuje da je najvažniji pojedinac i njegova lična poruka. Sve ostalo je politička manipulacija izgrađena iz oholosti, sebičnosti i podčinjavanja, koja predstavlja strukturu potrošačkog društva.

 Iz radosti, naslućujem da njen rad ukazuje na osvešćenost prema egzistencijalnim modelima današnjeg doba i pronalaženje načina da se živi van tih modela. Sreća je sloboda. Ako čovek ima sreće da bude slobodan, onda je i živ.


Saša Stojanović, likovni umetnik

 Beograd, 2022.



If we look at reality as a training ground that is custom-made for the entertainment and military industries, then the media space reserved for culture is deliberately given to the uninventive people who tap in place and decorate the necrophilic present. They don't address anyone, they don't mean anything and they don't have any critical attitude towards the essential problems. This distracts and humiliates people, and the meaning is lost on this training ground. In such an arrangement of reality, the opportunistic logic works mechanically, like on a factory line, and is constantly searching for new sources of prestige and shock. This kind of entertainment, which is part of the cultural situation, is intended for the petty bourgeois audience and mediocrities from the culture industry responsible for theoretical coverage and obfuscation of economic interests, and is almost devoid of any human and critical content.

 The work POLIGON (Training ground) by Šejma Fere is socialy engaged and implies radical subjectivity. It means being a human being who feels something and does not belong to the capitalist reality of a lonely and scared man. Through a personal attitude, it demystifies the consumer world of the spectacle through discarded objects and memories, and gives the possibility for the renewal of communication. Fere develops her installation through stories about our fragmented duration and knowledge about the traces of modern society.

 With her artistic integrity, Šejma Fere shows that the most important thing is the individual and his personal message. Everything else is political manipulation built from arrogance, selfishness and submission, which represents the structure of consumer society.

 With joy, I sense that her work indicates an awareness of the existential models of today's age and finding a way to live outside of those models. Happiness is freedom. If a human is lucky enough to be free, then she is alive also.


Saša Stojanović, visual artist

Beograd, 2022


Šejma Fere, Dazibau, triptih, 2023
Šejma Fere, Dazibau, triptih, 2023


Friday 12th May, 4-7PM,

Saturday 13th May, 12AM-3PM

/////For the World Collage Day, we are organizing a two-day workshop that will gather professional artists and members of our community to work side by side. #WorldCollageDay

///// Pozivaju se ljubitelji krpeža, brikolaža, reciklaže,"uradi sam" pristupa, rovarenja, hakovanja i grubih spojeva, na radionicu kolaža u petak 12. maja od 16-19h i subotu 13. maja, od 12-15h. Mesto održavanja je Univerzitetska biblioteka "Svetozar Marković", adresa Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 71, Beograd.


Šejma Fere, Dazibau, triptih, 2023
Šejma Fere, Dazibau, triptih, 2023


Četvrtak 9. mart 2023, 18h, Remont galerija, Beograd

NUS je prostor za uspostavljanje direktnije komunikacije savremene umetničke prakse i građana. Svakih nekoliko meseci na prozor ka ulici (pešačka zona) i na zid unutrašnjeg dvorišta, postavljaju se radovi recentnih umetnika iz zemlje i inostranstva, estetski i sadržajno osmišljeni kako bi slučajnom prolazniku približili savremenu umetnost.

Do sada su u okviru NUS-a izlagali: Jelena Mijić, Mirza Dedać, Boris Burić i Igor Grubić. U trećem izdanju NUS-a predstavljamo nove radove Šejme Fere (prozor) i Jelene Radović (dvorište).

GALERIJA REMONT  Maršala Birjuzova 7, Belgrade, 11000 Serbia


Šejma Fere, Zenica, kolaž, iz serije Minut kolaž, 2017
Šejma Fere, Zenica, kolaž, iz serije Minut kolaž, 2017


30. 1 – 31. 3.2023

Umetnici: Dina Belančić, Sonja Blagojević, Goran Dimić, Šejma Fere, Borjan Grujić, Lamija Halilaghić, Aleksandar Jestrović Jamesdin, Isidora Lazić, Nevena Ostojić, Nikola Radosavljević, Jelena Radović, Milica Rakić, Miloš Stošić, Sonja Šurbatović, Marko Ubović, Milena Zović

Kustoskinja: Marija Radoš

GALERIJA REMONT  Maršala Birjuzova 7, Belgrade, 11000 Serbia


Radionica kolaža "Poligon za pokazne vežbe"

prateći program 59. OKTOBARSKOG SALONA

 18.11. i 19.11.2022.

Radionicu prati i fanzin izdanje.



Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 71, Beograd



 20.10 - 4.12.2022.



Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 71, Beograd


Šejma Fere, Poligon, instalacija, 2022


Tirana International Biennale of Graphic Arts

October 25 - November 25, 2022


Tirana Art Gallery / National Historical Museum, Tirana




(Šejma Fere, Wild Animal, gravure+stamp, 2022)


september 2022 - january 2023

group exhibition



Art at Work, At the Crossroads between Utopianism and (In)Dependence

+MSUM, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana



(Šejma Fere, UHU, installation, 2017)


The Case of Poor Images international group exhibition

Curated by Mia Ćuk


14 Apr 2022 - 19 May 2022


Artget Gallery

Cultural Center Belgrade

Knez Mihailova 6, Belgrade, Serbia

(Šejma Fere, StripSud, digital print, detail, 120x80cm, 2022)


Biennale collection- selection of artworks about sport


9th Beijing International Art Biennale, China

21 Jan 2022 - 15 Feb 2022



National Art Museum of China - NAMOC

Beijing, China


Among Women: Serbian Contemporary Art

curated by Rachel Klipa


January 21 - February 26 2022

Bronx River Art Center, 1087 E Tremont Ave Bronx


The exhibition features eleven women artists who are deeply connected to Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, and provides a snapshot of the productive and multilayered contemporary art scene. Artists: Šejma Fere, Bojana S. Kneževic, Marina Markovic, Tijana Radenkovic, Simonida Rajcevic, Vahida Ramujkic, Milica Ružicic, Maja Simic, Nina Todorovic, Anica Vucetic, Gordana Žikic.


Vizuelni rečnik Studentskog grada (Visual dictionary of Student City)


Workshop and exhibition curated by Šejma Fere, Stevan Vuković and Tijana Savatić, with support from Dom kulture Studentski grad and Ministry of Culture Serbia.


December 23, 2021 - January 22, 2022

DKSG gallery, Novi Beograd

Dom kulture Studentski grad, Novi Beograd


15 September 2021


Interview on radio program Sceniranje #175: Saša Stojanović and Šejma Fere in conversation with hosts Jelena Mijić and Mia Ćuk about exhibition ŽIVI SMO! and other related topics.


Among Women: Serbian Contemporary Art curated by Rachel Klipa

937 Gallery, Pittsburgh,

September 9, 2021 - January 9, 2022


"Among Women: Contemporary Art from Serbia" feature works by artists: Šejma Fere, Bojana S. Knežević, Marina Marković, Tijana Radenković, Simonida Rajčević, Vahida Ramujkić, Milica Ružičić, Maja Simić, Nina Todorović, Anica Vučetić, and Gordana Žikić.  Curated by Rachel Klipa


Project supported by the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust and the Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts.


937 Gallery

937 Liberty Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15222



We are alive

exhibition of Saša Stojanović and Šejma Fere


14 September-30 October, 2021


Gallery Šok Koridor, Art Klinika, Novi Sad


19 April 2021


Talking with Brainard Carey for The Museum of Non-Visible Art,

hosted by Yale University Radio


30 January 2021


SNAPS collection for Norient


Artworks in Snap format: image+quote+sound, made in collaboration with different photographs, writers and musicians, in 20020/2021


"Norient is an audio-visual gallery and a community (of practice) for the sound of the world: For contemporary music, quality journalism, cutting-edge research, projects and events like the Norient Film Festival (NFF). Norient conceives music, sound, and noise as seismographs of our time, facilitates space and place for thinkers and artists from currently fifty countries to tell new and different stories of the now and tomorrow. The goal is to support (sub)cultural diversity, broaden horizons, and open up dialogue across people, continents, and disciplines."




21. december 2020



NFF Bern: January 13–17, 2021

NFF Lausanne:February 20, 2021


Artwork by Šejma Fere (Belgrade, Serbia)
Typo and Layout by Annegreth Schärli, gut&schön (Zurich, Switzerland)

Bern, Zurich

Collabortion with Norient and Annegreth Schärli on Poster creation for The Norient Film Festival.

The Norient Film Festival, the 10th edition will be taking place in January and February 2021 in Bern and Lausanne, Switzerland. With its film festival, the Bernese platform for music research Norient wants to dive into opportunities, challenges, and questions of our time via music and sound. Beyond documentaries on fado, rebetiko, the club and dance scene in Baltimore, or the Kurdish granî music, the NFF 2021 presents many more documentaries and short films, ethnographic movies, and audiovisual experiments.



10 November 2020


Making graphic covers for Timezones series, the experimental audio collages, co-initiated and co-produced by Norient and the Goethe-Institut.


The Timezones podcast series plunges into the world of artists and their practices, asking: what does living and working in culture and the arts involve in different countries, cities, and contexts today?




Our Home—The Belt and Road Nation’s Art Exhibition Shangai Art Muesum, China


3 November 2020 - 31 March 2021


Selection of artworks from Beijing Bienial Collection

Exhibition organized by China Artists Association and Shangai Art Muesum, China



20. october 2020


Šejma Fere i Saša Stojanović :

MOST (Beograd, 20.10.2020.)
Na današnji dan, 20.oktobra 1944. Miladin Zarić je demontiranjem eksploziva spasio most od rušenja. Danas, mi smo protiv rušenja mosta jer je Zarićev most simbol otpora destrukciji fašističkog okupatora.


On this day, October 20, 1944, Miladin Zarić saved the bridge from demolition by dismantling the explosives. Today, we are against the demolition of the bridge because Zaric's bridge is a symbol of resistance to the destruction of the fascist occupier.



2. october 2020


Collaboration with Norient

Bern, Zurich

work in progress

Varios visuals and graphic covers in collaboration with the Norient, an audio-visual gallery and a community for the sound of the world


 «Timeszones Nairobi» podcast by Norient + The Goethe Institute. Curated by Thomas Burkhalter.



13. august 2020


Šejma Fere i Saša Stojanović

PARK(ING) RAŠE POPOVA (Beograd, 13.8.2020.)
Na mestu najnovijeg urbanističkog nasilja i zagađenja poetike Raše Popova.


Park(ing) Raše Popova, action

Saša Stojanović and Šejma Fere

At the site of the latest urban violence and pollution of Rasha Popov's poetics.


Videćemo ujutru

Navigator gallery, Beograd
Katarina Pavlović i Šejma Fere
curated by Mia David
exhibition opening 6 june 2020 at 13h


Norient Space "THE NOW IN SOUND"

5 March 2020, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin


Norient's digital sound and media art gallery The Now in Sound presented in HKW with a walk-in installation and live music by Sarathy Korwar. Its focus is on subcultural and experimental artistic positions in a globalized, digitized and urbanized world. The presentation features the work of the following curators, artists and producers from 18 countries: Easterndaze / Lucia Udvardyova feat. Adrienn Szaszar + Csenge Csato + Fausto Mercier + Johanna Marcade Mot + Samčo, brat dážďoviek + Simina Oprescu + Stred Sveta// Hungary; Serbia; Slovakia; Romania ° Faisal M Khan feat. Akaliko Artist Collective (Imtiaz Nasir + Imtiaj Hossain + Akaliko Records + Shadharon Chhobi + Fahad Hossain + Juliana Adhikary // Bangladesh °

SPIME.IM + MADAM + Simona Da Pozzo + Slon + MM/Iokoi + Marco Mercuzio + La Morte Viene Dallo Spazio + Furtherset + Davide Serpetti // Italy ° Svetlana Maraš feat. ŠEJMA FERE + Marija Balubdžić + Vukašin Đelić // Serbia ° Nadia Mounier feat. Kinda Hassan + Ahmad Hammoud // Libanon; Egypt ° Pedro Oliveira feat. GG Albuquerque + Rafael Nascimento
// Mexico ° Ali Gul Pir feat. Ali Kazmi + Aam Taateel + Safwan Subzwari // Pakistan ° c0d3 p03try feat. rapo + carlasophie + Flor de Fuego + Arlene // Argentina ° Meira Asher feat. ProjectoHisteria + Basma Bader // Israel; Brasil ° A.Fruit feat. Uno Design + Alexander Dmitriev// Russia ° Daniel Jakob + Bit-Tuner + Simon Berz // Switzerland ° meLê Yamomo feat. tba
// Netherlands ° Fertigdesign // Germany ° Lows0n feat. tba // China ° Ali Sayah // Iran


17 november 2019


Exhibition  "Matine Program" awarded by the Kolarac Foundation Anual Award for the exhibition of the Season 2018/2019



14 november 2019


Fanzine "To be enjoyed endlessly" by curators Seda Yıldız and Ewa Borysiewicz

in the frame of What Could / Should Curating Do? platform





 12 November - 5 December 2019 , gallery SKC, Kragujevac


Trikolaža (Matine program, Minute collage, Toothbrushes)

similar to tricotage

(wikipedia: Tricot is a special case of warp knitting, in which the yarn zigzags vertically, following a single column ("wale") of knitting, rather than a single row ("course"), as is customary. Tricot and its relatives are very resistant to runs, and are commonly used in lingerie.)

exhibition views


Ambalaža, izložba

 3 - 15 December 2018 , gallery Mali Salon KC, Novi Sad


Exhibiton of Tothbrushes and asambllages. Serial of assemblages where the packaging is used as a creative material and as a metaphor for the “packaged” culture in which we live, where almost all is designed for the consumer and the truth and facts often are hidden. Small objects are made of recycled materials: photographs from old magazines, catalogs, brochures and plastic packaging for toothbrushes. In the in the mode of free association, selected parts of the images were connected into new shape within the packages which specifc structure limits and distort the papery contents. The resulting assemblage at the same time shows the form of the package and visual composition with highlighted multiplicity of expression, subconscious images and distorted figuration.  More info here





25 September - 13 October 2018

gallery Kolarac, Belgrade



Photos from the exhibition in the album

and on the GALLERY SHOTS! page


10. september 2018




25 September - 13 October 2018 , gallery Kolarac, Belgrade




18. jun 2018
AIR4 - 2018
[100 artists] [100 artworks]
group show
20 june - 31 august 2018 , Ravnikar gallery space, Ljubljana
100 artist 100 artworks from Porto to Seville, Paris to London, Antwerp to Berlin, Rome to Ljubljana, Belgrade to Athens.
Participating artists AIR4: Rade Tepavčević, Francesco Poiana, Ana Milenković, Evgen Čopi Gorišek, Nemanja Golijanin, Neža Knez, Daniel Moreira, Nejc Korenič, Manolis Anastasakos, Tadija Janičič, Nika Von Hahm, Andrea Musa, Davide Caldarini, Ana Popescu, Mohammad Awwad, Luka Uršič, Vladimir Miladinović, Nic Courdy, Anita Kos, Staš Kleindienst, Fran Ortega, Bojan Stojčić, Šejma Fere, Maja Babič Košir, Nebojša Adamovič, Leonor Zamith, Helena Tahir, Giulia Cabassi, Nina Čelhar, Vuk Čuk, Tjaša Rener, Alexandros Simopoulos, Gašper Kunšič, Philippine Marquier, Marthin Rozo, Jaka Vatovec, Tea Kralj, Meriton Maloku, Jasmina Grudnik, Lara Badurina, Zoran Pungerčar, Jelena Fuzinato, Katarina Vladimirov Young, Sonja Vulpes, Giulio Bensasson, Miha Perne, Maida Garić, Brina Torkar, Jelena Bando, Nez Pez, Isidora Krstić, Rok Mar, Pedro Maia, Eva Juričan, Davor Gromilović, Nevena Aleksovski, Ivonne Garcia Murillo, Ivana Bajec, Melita Sorola Staničić, Julio Dolbeth, Suzana Brborovič, Jelena Micić, Eva Mlinar, Darko Aleksovski, Marko K. Gavez, Giulia Lanza, Nana Wolke, Cvetan Nedeljkovski, Matija Bobičić, Lucija Žuti, Mina Fina, Jan Pogorelec, Miron Milić, Simon Kocjančič, Paris Koutsikos, Dajana Jurman Osip, Petra Korent, Lealudvik, Katerina Ristovska, Matej Stupica, Natan Esku, Jasna Šikanja, Zarja Ražman, Marina Milev, Leon Zuodar, Ruki Chuki, Tadej Vaukman, Meta Mežan, Radovan Kunić, Anja Jelovšek, Srdjan Mićić, Mirna Kutleša, Tarko Janoš, Nastja Mezek, Rikardo Druškić, Urška Rednak, Valerie Wolf Gang, Marija Sević, Ron Preinfalk, Veronika Hozjan, Tina Konec.




14. january 2018
Lepe srpske umetnosti ( Serbian Fine Arts )
group show curated by Branislav Dimitrijević
14 -18 february 2018 , Ostavinska galerija, Belgrade

participating artists: Milica Rakić, Raša Todosijević, Jamezdin, Aleksandar Denić, Vahida Ramujkić, Darinka Pop-Mitić, Miloš Tomić, Bojan Đorđević, Šejma Fere



15. december 2017
exhibition and fanizne curated by Anelor Robin

 and designed by Maycec


participating artists: Monika Sigeti, Andrea Palašti, Kathie Woznicki, Nina Todorović, Miloš Tomić, Nikola Marković, Vladimir Lalić, Šejma Fere
U10 Art space, Belgrade
22 - 23 december 2017


13. june 2017.
Location: Festung Hohensalzburg , Salzburg
Art exhibition of Classes directed by Michael Beutler / DISTRUKTUR / Melissa Dullius + Gustavo Jahn / Aisha Khalid / Paulina Olowska 
25.08.2017 Festung Hohensalzburg , Salzburg  16:00-20:00


9.june 2017.

Salzburg Art Academy, august 2017

Attending the Course of Miniature Painting by Aisha Khalid at the International Art Summer Academy in Salzburg



The course will focus on the centuries-old traditional technique of miniature painting, from the Indian subcontinent. Demonstrations will include different techniques of making a miniature painting (pencil, Siyyah Qalam, Gad’rang, gilding and bordermaking). During the course, Aisha Khalid will also talk about the revival of contemporary miniature painting in Pakistan.

The basic objective of this course is to encourage conceptual work in the participants after they have been introduced to certain skills and gained an understanding of the ancient art form of miniature painting.





13.mart 2017.

Matine program

galerija Platoneum, ogranak SANU, Novi Sad

6-20.aprila 2017.


Predstavljeni radovi su nastali kolažnom tehnikom i metodom slobodnih asocijacija. Naslov izložbe “Matine program” je inspirisan dnevnim terminom u bioskopu kada možete za jeftinije ulaznice gledati filmove. Izloženo je 20 kolaža, kratki animirani radovi i vitrine sa crtežima i nađenim predmetima.




Keš, kolica i šmekerica

pop-up exhibition

the show about money and art, tombola and exhange

curated by Sanja Anđelković and Andrea Palašti

gallery Trafika, Novi Sad

27 December 2016


Exhibted works by: Aleksandar Ramadanović, Boris Burić, Danica Bićanić, Danica Jevđović, Dragana Kuprešanin, Rade Tepavčević, Sanja Anđelković, Sonja Radaković, Sonja Bajić, Sofija Kamasi, Mirza Dedać, Maja Nikolić, Andrea Palašti, Filip Bojović, Lenora Kapuši, Tatjana Smiljanić, Miloš Bibić, Vanja Novaković, Katarina Kapičić, Luka Stojanović, Jelena Gajinović, Csaba Lality, Novak Požarev, Ivan Vuknić, Nikola Popović, Jovana Krstić, Klajo Adrian, Milica Strizović, Šok Zadruga, Šejma Fere.



Rascenzurisaše li ti se umetnici

the group exhibition about censorship related to art,
curated by Ana Dimitrijević and Jelena Mijić

Ostavinska galerija, MK8, Belgrade

12 - 22 December 2016

Participating artists:
Srđan Veljović, Tanja Ostojić, Klara Källström, Thobias Fäldt, Johannes Wahlström, Belgrade Raw, Kamerades, Miloš Ćosović Desko, Andrea Knezović, Milica Rakić, Edvina Hudeckova, Slavica Ilić, Jovana Budošan,Šejma Fere




Travel grant for Valencia


Ministry of Culture of Serbia artist grant for participation at the exhibition XVIII CALL, gallery Luis Adelantado, Valencia





New Art Collection

Faculty of Forestry of University Belgrade





New Collection of artworks, exhibited artists:

Milica Rakić, Marica Radojčić, Nataša Teofilović, Mirjana Odić, Vedrana Ivanović, Mirjana Ranković, Djordje Stanojević, Šejma Ferré.

At permanent display.



 Šejma Ferré, Toothbrushes, 2016



CALL 2016 , XVIII International exhibition

gallery Luis Adelantado, Valencia

7July - 22 September, 2016


Participating artists: Manel Ros, María León , Iñaki Domingo , Simone Bailey , Elia Núñez , Florencia Caiazza , Alejandro Botubol , Daniel Jordán , Sejma Ferré , Ana Esteve , Rosa Rubio , Alejandro Ginés , Sally Muller , Hilde Onis , Jesús Eloy Sánchez , Carlos Correcher , Martín Piolatti





Postcards from the Edge 2016


Organized by Visual AIDS and hosted by gallery Sikemma Jenkins & Co in New York.


Among 1504 artworks, photo my artwork at the event.




Finissage of exhibition Daily Diet

on 20 June 2015


Visual material here








Grocka Cultural center , Rancic historic home

17 - 30 April 2015


 Site-specific exhibition is adapted to the space of "Rancic's house". It is developed on a crossing of a space of a gallery ambient and an imaginary cabinet of curiosities. It is a hybrid of fiction and personal archive, traces of the exhibition sight and mass media sources, advertisement and film.








 art project , installation, drawings and video

 gallery Mz Baltazar’s Lab Vienna

from 6 may to 17 june 2015.


Lena Violetta Leitner and Sejma Ferré set "Daily Diet" project in window-shop at Mz Baltazar’s Lab in Vienna.




25 June - 26 July, 2015   Centre d'Art Tecla Sala, Barcelona


The jury of Painting Award Guasch Coranty , Teresa Badia, Joan Fontcuberta, Xavier Grau, Susana Solano and Alicia Vela, selected artists for the exhibition in Centre d’Art Tecla Sala.


Exhibiting artists: Alby Álamo , Javier Arbizu , Alejandra Atarés , Inma Ávalos , Manuel Blázquez , Joan Cabrer , Alejandra Colell , Narcís Díaz Pujol , Nuria Fermín , Sejma Ferré , Clarissa Fontana , Ivan Franco , Rubén Fuentes , Daniel Galván , Sara García Fernández , Jose Manuel García Hernández , Ignacio García Sánchez | Federico García Trujillo , Alberto Gil Cásedas , Santiago Giralda , Carmen González Castro , Stefanie Heinze , Manuel Christoph Horn , Victoria Iranzo , Lola Lasurt , Èlia Llach , Sergio Luna , Daniel Mohr , Guillermo Mora , Levi Enrique Orta , Elena Rato , Núria Rion , Juan Carlos Rosa , Tura Sanz , Esther Señor , Isabel Servera , Ramón Suau , Mónica Trastoy , Mirimari Väyrynen , Keke Vilabelda , Ivan de Vivando.


Download free 2015 Calendar, print and cut. 8 x 15 cm
crtezi kalendar 4 PAGES.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 7.7 MB


Calendar for 2015 with Matine drawings. Free to download and print at home
Calendar for 2015 with Matine drawings. Free to download and print at home



 Noon, collage, 43x62, 2004


Artwork "Noon" by Sejma Ferré was noted with the Cultural Distinction Prize for Original Painting by the Onassis Foundation in 2006.







Artwork "Backyard" by Sejma Ferré on the cover of the Kolaj Magazine issue Two


Kolaj Magazine is a quarterly, printed magazine about contemporary collage. It brings together critical reviews and essays with artist profiles, event highlights, and articles on techniques and materials. Kolaj is published in Montreal, Quebec by Maison Kasini.








